Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Ishmael School Daze II

"Kids will learn anything they want to learn, anything they have a use for. But to make them learn things they don't have any use for, you have to send them to school."
This quote really hits me. Society is a living beast that runs around in circles. You go to school to go to more school to go to more school to get a job. Everything is to get a job to make money, but what does school do? It teaches you things you will most likely forget within a few months or a few years. If you are learning math but you are going into law, what is the point? I think there are flaws in our system and shoving things down kids throats only make them want to rebel against it. I think there are also a lot of valuable things that come out of school like bonds, and relationships, and let us not forget literacy. Literacy is probably the most important thing in our society to learn. Basically, I think if we learned what was truly important to live on our own and function in our society we would all be better off. I agree with this quote and I can connect to it on a personal level because I often question our educational system and our society in general.