Thursday, June 17, 2010

One World Week:Cat(hell)ina

During OWW I went to Catalina. I have to say it might be up there on my scale of unpleasantness. We stayed in boyscout tents with moldy floorboards. There were spiders in my bed!!!!!!!! Not to mention the large mosquito eaters that would settle on our "ceiling" made of cloth. We stuffed three beds in our two man tents and had no space to move around. Someone always had hair in their food and the hikes were brutal, but I'm not going to go on about how uncomfortable I was. The truth is that the trip taught me a lot about myself. The last day of our trip we had to take a four or five hour hike that seemed to go on forever. I didn't want to go, I wasn't feeling well and my legs were aching from the previous night's endeavor. "Tough it out Cara!" I said to myself as I started on the path of misery. An hour or two in I started to feel my face burning. My hair was a tangled mess of dirt and spider webs. I looked down at my legs and noticed that I had been wearing my pajamas the whole embarrassing! When the treacherous hike uphill was over we ventured downhill. I was relieved that the hardest part was over...Oh how wrong I was. The rest of the way I walked like a snail, I wished I had a walking stick. I slid on my bottom most of the time letting the rocks pierce my skin. By the time we made it to the ferry I was thrashed. My hair hung in my face and I felt the dirt inhabiting my pores. I was disgusted, exhausted, and in so much pain. I could not walk the whole next day, but I realized something that day. If you have a good attitude and push yourself, you can accomplish anything. I am very thankful for that trip because it put everything in perspective for me.

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