Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I am From and Voice Thread

Wingless Angel

I am from the raindrops trickling down the car window
Watching them race
Holding onto my youth
But watching it drip away inevitably with every breath I take
I am from my bass guitar to my record player and vinyl’s
Holding onto obsolete equipment
An attempt to slow down time
From the questions and love stuck to the four walls of my room
Part of me in every corner
I am from being born into Judaism
To running away from religion
Just another thing to prevent peaceful coexistence
I am from family dinners, activities, and movies
To barricading myself in my lair
Hidden in complete solitude
Giving myself time to think
Escaping from “we’re disappointed,” to “we love you.”
A scowl to a kiss
I am from running towards expectations
To failing to meet them
Wanting so bad to just get myself together
I am from staring at myself in the mirror
My insecurities eating up my thoughts
Thinking about how pitiful I am
To finding beauty in my flaws
From my first words to my last straw
I am from holding the hands of the sick, the misplaced, and the bruised
Empathy pulsing through my veins
Because where I’m from is not just a place
It’s a moving camera that snaps everyone I have made an impact on
And that will never fade
Not even when people step onto the dirt and see the R.I.P
Etched into my grave
Someone will look at those pictures
And I will be remembered
Most of all I am from love
A wingless angel
Swooping down to grace us with its flawless presence
Perfection incarnate
Golden-laced pain
Making it hard to breath
Swallowing quickly
Hiding all the nerves
Craving the scent
Pining for the feeling
That is where I’m from

Thursday, June 17, 2010

One World Week:Cat(hell)ina

During OWW I went to Catalina. I have to say it might be up there on my scale of unpleasantness. We stayed in boyscout tents with moldy floorboards. There were spiders in my bed!!!!!!!! Not to mention the large mosquito eaters that would settle on our "ceiling" made of cloth. We stuffed three beds in our two man tents and had no space to move around. Someone always had hair in their food and the hikes were brutal, but I'm not going to go on about how uncomfortable I was. The truth is that the trip taught me a lot about myself. The last day of our trip we had to take a four or five hour hike that seemed to go on forever. I didn't want to go, I wasn't feeling well and my legs were aching from the previous night's endeavor. "Tough it out Cara!" I said to myself as I started on the path of misery. An hour or two in I started to feel my face burning. My hair was a tangled mess of dirt and spider webs. I looked down at my legs and noticed that I had been wearing my pajamas the whole time...how embarrassing! When the treacherous hike uphill was over we ventured downhill. I was relieved that the hardest part was over...Oh how wrong I was. The rest of the way I walked like a snail, I wished I had a walking stick. I slid on my bottom most of the time letting the rocks pierce my skin. By the time we made it to the ferry I was thrashed. My hair hung in my face and I felt the dirt inhabiting my pores. I was disgusted, exhausted, and in so much pain. I could not walk the whole next day, but I realized something that day. If you have a good attitude and push yourself, you can accomplish anything. I am very thankful for that trip because it put everything in perspective for me.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Evelyn Glennie

Her performance really struck me and I think what I'll remember most is when she played that dark melodic tune on the marimba. It was like a lullaby and it really mesmerized me.I was also really surprised when she said she was deaf.
When I heard her play the marimba I had mixed emotions. When the tone was dark I felt moody, when the tone was light I felt happy. The way she held the sticks, which notes she played, and the tempo were definitely factors.
Again, the way she held the sticks, which notes she played, and the tempo affected what the audience heard. Her energy on stage mattered as well.
It is funny thinking about people and their different music tastes. For example, I like independant music and classic rock with good vibes, but there are people who like metal and rap. Everybody hears and react to music in a different way.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I visited the La Jolla farmers market at La Jolla Elementary. Nothing really struck me about the location except that it was very well organized and there were many goods to buy. It was pretty much what I expected, except there was more jewelry and created goods than I expected. Some of the food was cheaper than I expected.

I thought everything was going to be a lot more expensive than grocery items, but for their quality it was very reasonable to me. A lot of the vegetables and fruits were more expensive because they were locally grown and fresh. I was happy to support the local farmers. They had the best strawberries ever. The price was worth the peace of mind, knowing I wasn't putting dangerous chemicals in my body.

I definitely want to visit the farmers market more and I want to support the local farmers and craftsmen. Going to the farmers market and seeing everyone supporting their community was a breath of fresh air. I think if the farmers markets were more widely advertised it would encourage more people to get out there and check it out.Supporting local farmers and craftspersons can definitely help everyone live a more sustainable life, and help them keep their bodies safe. The farmers market is a very special place and I hope more people support it and its growth.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Ishmael School Daze II

"Kids will learn anything they want to learn, anything they have a use for. But to make them learn things they don't have any use for, you have to send them to school."
This quote really hits me. Society is a living beast that runs around in circles. You go to school to go to more school to go to more school to get a job. Everything is to get a job to make money, but what does school do? It teaches you things you will most likely forget within a few months or a few years. If you are learning math but you are going into law, what is the point? I think there are flaws in our system and shoving things down kids throats only make them want to rebel against it. I think there are also a lot of valuable things that come out of school like bonds, and relationships, and let us not forget literacy. Literacy is probably the most important thing in our society to learn. Basically, I think if we learned what was truly important to live on our own and function in our society we would all be better off. I agree with this quote and I can connect to it on a personal level because I often question our educational system and our society in general.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mysichs Goals

1. My first goal is to get straight A's
I am going to complete this goal by finishing my work on time and putting effort into the production of my work.

2. My second goal is to not procrastinate
I am going to finish my work right when I get home.

3. My third goal is to learn more about physics
I will do this by paying attention and focusing on the work.